Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Weave a Woolen Scarf

I have been spinning or at least learning how to spin using a drop spindle. I got a lot of colors done and decided to make my first scarf. Let's just stay it was done in the rustic or primitive style.;) I have enjoyed spinning. Even though that part of the project cannot be done in a day, I have enjoyed spinning on the drop spindle in the evening when we are all just sitting around or when I have a half and hour to myself after I get home from school.

I nailed thin nails that had practically no heads onto a board that was long enough for the scarf I needed to make. I made two lines of nails so that I had about 25 nails at each end of the board. Then I used the dark grey and black yard that I had spun to string back and forth along the board until it was all connected.

The yard I used the other direction was yarn that contrasted with the black.  This yarn was my first attempt at spinning so there were lots of lumps and bumps going on.... as it turns out, I kind of like that look.

I think when I do another scarf I will make a longer one because although I use this one for under a black jacket and to snuggle up around my neck, I think it would be nice if I could tie it.

This project did take me a full day. Maybe someday I will be a table loom and that would make the process go much faster.

You are my Sunshine!

One of the most important things to remember is to prepare for your Project in a Day! I did this project but I had the idea in my mind for the past month.  I was just waiting for my day to come. So I pre-ordered the burlap. I ended up gettint two yards which was plenty. I had some left over. I had been getting some ideas on pinterest. I think the most important idea was why. What was my purpose? Am I making this to re-sell? Is this for a gift? Do I really need this?

My motivation was that I had just painted my room gray.  A little on the blue side of gray. It looked almost baby blue when I put a gray bedspread in there that was a different shade of gray. So I switched and put on a yellow bedspread. That totally brightened up the room.  The other project was that I painted the wall behind my bed. It used to be a faux rock wall. It was done is shades of brown and pink. Not a good combination. So I painted it gray as well.  I don't have a head board on my bed so I really needed something to brighten up the room and act as an anchor for my bed.

Here it is!

So back to the planning stage. I ordered the burlap in advance. I also washed it and dried and ironed it because it had a very strong smell to it when it shipped. I found some cheap frames at the dollar store. They were $3 dollars each. Then I used some craft paint that I already had at home for the rest.

I cut the burlap and hot glued it onto the frames, Then just free handed the lettering and the paintings. I had such fun with this project. It actually took an afternoon.  Here is a picture of the room. You can see that I really needed something to brighten up the look.