Tuesday, November 15, 2016

You are my Sunshine!

One of the most important things to remember is to prepare for your Project in a Day! I did this project but I had the idea in my mind for the past month.  I was just waiting for my day to come. So I pre-ordered the burlap. I ended up gettint two yards which was plenty. I had some left over. I had been getting some ideas on pinterest. I think the most important idea was why. What was my purpose? Am I making this to re-sell? Is this for a gift? Do I really need this?

My motivation was that I had just painted my room gray.  A little on the blue side of gray. It looked almost baby blue when I put a gray bedspread in there that was a different shade of gray. So I switched and put on a yellow bedspread. That totally brightened up the room.  The other project was that I painted the wall behind my bed. It used to be a faux rock wall. It was done is shades of brown and pink. Not a good combination. So I painted it gray as well.  I don't have a head board on my bed so I really needed something to brighten up the room and act as an anchor for my bed.

Here it is!

So back to the planning stage. I ordered the burlap in advance. I also washed it and dried and ironed it because it had a very strong smell to it when it shipped. I found some cheap frames at the dollar store. They were $3 dollars each. Then I used some craft paint that I already had at home for the rest.

I cut the burlap and hot glued it onto the frames, Then just free handed the lettering and the paintings. I had such fun with this project. It actually took an afternoon.  Here is a picture of the room. You can see that I really needed something to brighten up the look.

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